Claiming Unpaid Stimulus Money
Can I still get my stimulus?
There have been three stimulus payments. Attached to the 2020 federal return were payments 1 and 2.
$1,200 per adult / $500 per child
$600 per person
Attached to the 2021 federal return, there was 1 payment.
$1400 per person
The deadline for payments 1 and 2 was May 17, 2024. This payment is no longer available.
I anticipate the deadline for payment 3 happening in May of 2025.
If you or a dependent child did not receive your stimulus payments, you can file or amend your return for the year which corresponds to the missing payment(s). If you are filing the 2021 return for the first time, you can have the payment direct deposited into a US bank account. Amendments take a minimum of 6 weeks to process. The IRS will never direct deposit a refund from an amended return. You will be sent a paper check to the address listed on your 1040.
If the IRS sent you a check and it was lost in the mail, you need to call the IRS and place a "trace" on the check(s). That process will take about 6 weeks. When the trace is complete, you taxes for that year can then be filed or amended and you will be sent your missing stimulus payment(s).